Our History
2005. CellSorter Scientific was founded for the development of single cell technologies by Dr. Bálint Szabó biophysicist and Dr. Zsófia Szabó pharmacist in Budapest, Hungary.
2006. CellSorter won 100,000 Eur grant for developing a FACS in a Petri dish technology.
2008-9. CellSorter developed a device for automated single cell detection and pick up on a microscope.
2012. Cellsorter constructed a semi-automated system for single cell sorting and deposition on a microscope.
2018. EU and national grants for medical device development: 200,000 Eur.
2019. Piezoelectric micropipette with a liquid handling precision of ~0.1 nanoliter.
2020. Compact device for medical applications.
Our Users
The number of labs using our devices is rapidly growing. Currently we have users in Europe, in the U.S., in Australia, China and in Japan.
CellSorter system has been tested by the Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös University since 2008.